Saturday, 30 April 2011

Malaysian K-Pop, anyone?

Okay, what do we straight away think of when we see the word 'K-POP'?
I mean, doesn't it stand for Korean Pop?
So, wouldn't Malaysian K-Pop be Malaysian Korean Pop?
Ever heard of such genre?
Of course NOT.
Stop being ridiculous.
I mean, it's fine if you get your inspirations from K-Pop artists but trying to be like them and copying them is so wrong.
For example,

Isn't this such an embarrassment to fellow Malaysian K-Pop lovers?
This pic looks like a straight ripoff of U-Kiss.
For God's sake, do keep your shirts on.
It's embarrassing enough that you don't have a toned body, so why bother showing it off?
Now what the hell is this?

Just the act of uploading your pics makes me wannna barf.
You don't even look like a man (the middle one).
Then, there's the case of copying other people's name.
Here's the guy:

Now, take a look at this.

What the hell, man?
But wait, there's also a girls version. The Malaysian Wonder Girls
Here they are

Stop being a copy-cat!
Be ORIGINAL. Stay ORIGINAL. That way, if you want people to buy your ORIGINAL album, they probably will.

But, in this case, DON'T EVEN DREAM ABOUT IT.
Gosh!!! Just by doing this, I'm actually doing you a favor by creating more buzz about you.
So, that's all. 
Credits to the uploader of the pics.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Attack On The Pin-up Boys :)

This morning, I logged onto the internet and went straight to youtube.
After dilly-dallying for a while, I found this amazing movie.
Well, not really that amazing, but it's kinda nice.
Wanna know who are the casts?
The boys from Super Junior!!!
Hahaha... Sorry... The inner fangirl just came out...
It's a movie back from 2007.
Ya, I know. It's so old. But who cares, I just found it. Haha...
In case you're curious bout that movie, let me post it here.

This is part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Pheww... That was a little tiring...
That's the whole movie.
Check it out. It's definitely worth it.
I'm not gonna tell what it is about.
It's for you to find out. :P

Saturday, 9 April 2011


The issue that I'm going to address now is about rubbish disposal.
Here's the story that prompted me to write about it.
One fine evening, while I was happily downloading games for my phone, I heard someone complaining. This was what this particular person said:
"You know, I'm so pissed off. I just threw the rubbish that had been there for days and nobody seemed to notice. When I threw it, water was dripping down my legs. And there are also worms in it. I told her to throw it away the other day and she didn't do it. I don't know how these people live."
That is almost what came out from her mouth. There was more actually. I can't recall what she said coz it was long time ago.
Yup. That person's a she.
Then, she approached me and asked, "Are you guys aware about the duty roster?" I simply said yeah.
She continued, "I specifically told ..... to throw the rubbish yesterday and she didn't do it. She cannot depend on someone else to do her job." Bla bla bla...
Okay, let me get this thing straight.
Umm, how many times have you took the rubbish out? How many times did we have to clean the rubbish that you left there to rot and stink?
Please think about what you have contributed before questioning others.


It's been a while since I've last updated my blog. 
I know, who cares? Among thousands and millions of blogs out there, mine in insignificant.
The issue right now is about group work. 
What can we see from the term above? The word 'GROUP' and 'WORK'.
It means that a group is doing a specific work
What I don't get is when people think that since you are the leader, you're supposed to do all the work?
Can't people be any dumber? Honestly, I don't know if that word exists.
My point here is that when you are in a group, please do co-operate and work together as a team. 
Did you get me appointed as the leader to do all the work for you? 
The other thing that bugs me a lot is when I correct a person who is clearly in the wrong, that person gave me the WHATEVER LOOK.
And when we do our work during the last minute, I know that tension will build up. Plus, I'm a perfectionist.
I hate things being imperfect.
I know that you're tired coz I'm tired too. What? Do you think I like torturing people? 
Honestly, I do if that person gave me hell.
And then you give me that stupid teary eyes hoping I'll go easy.
Of course not. Why would I when you never contributed anything not to mention helped me.
I did everything on my own. Did you think I liked it?
At last when it got to the final straw, I couldn't help but complain.
And what did you do? Did you try to help or console me?
That's why I hate group work. I usually end up doing it on my own.
Might as well call it individual task.