Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Real Ones

Regarding my last blog, this is actually a continuation of it.
For those who are unfamiliar with the K-Pop scene, let's take a look.
This is the REAL U-KISS

It's looks familiar, right?
At least they have the ABS while those poseurs don't.
Now, take a look at this. 
I'm sure EVERYBODY knows who they are.

It's the one and only SUPER JUNIOR.
Now, presenting the REAL WONDERGIRLS

The clothes, the pose... All of them look the same.
But do they LOOK the same?
It's obvious that you are poseurs.
K stands for KEINDAHAN.
Pehh... Would anyone fall for that lame excuse?
I'm gonna barf.
Credits to uploader of pics.

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