Friday, 22 July 2011

Should I Be Proud or Embarrassed?

It's been a long while since my last entry. I guess it can be said that I'm on a hiatus. xD
The entry today is about where I come from and the people here.
A while ago, my friend and I went to hang out at our favourite mall.
As we were about to go home, we decided to stop at McDonald's to get us a McFlurry.
What I can say is that the cashier was really RUDE.
She gave me back a $1 bill which is not in a good condition.

I politely asked her whether I can change it. She looked right at me and IGNORED me.
I called her again and she told me that the bill belongs to my friend.
So? Am I supposed to blame my friend for it? o.O
She also told me that she can't open the cash register.
I decided to wait there until she has the time to tend to me.
There were also a few tourists standing next to us at that time.
Her kids were clearly spoilt because they kept changing their minds and ordering new things.
As a worker, you are supposed to be calm and patient when you are talking to customers.
This lady however kept rolling her eyes and speak in a harsh tone.
What's with the attitude, miss?
I was still waiting there and i watched the whole scenario. I guess she wanted to make me wait to test my patience. In the end, she took out a purse from the drawer and changed the note.
Is it really that hard to do so in the first 5 minutes? She could've got rid of me earlier.
Then, in the bus, I was trying my best to contain my laughter.
Our buses have a place which is especially for the less-abled people.
Two nurses were sitting there. Me and my mouth can't help it but to say,
"I didn't know that nurses are disable too."
I guess they heard me but they ignored it. There were old men in the bus too and they had to stand like us.
I mean, what's the purpose of making that space then?
That's why I don't know whether I should be proud or embarrassed. 
I would gladly award them with this if they deserved it:

If everyone did their job perfectly, I'm sure they would make the world a much better place.
Well maybe not the world, but the country a better place.
Peace. TMNB.

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