Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I'm back :)

Wow.. It's been a while since I last blogged about something.. 
It seems like there are so many changes here.. I guess I just have to get used to it.
I mean, that's life.. Sometimes things change. People change. What we thought would stay constant all the time would eventually change to something better, God forbid, worse.
So there reason why I came back is because I'm gonna have my FINALS this week. Well actually it starts tomorrow. My first paper is Biology. I love Biology.
                                                                                                                              This is a picture of a pathogen called Trypanosoma

I know at first I have a little problem adapting to our new lecturer. Well.. Not a little, it's actually quite a lot.
I've become a rebel in some sort of way. I wouldn't pay attention in class. I talked behind her back.
And you know what, I got BAD GRADES. I'm serious. What terrible grades I received during that "period".
When I finally start to realise that my childish behaviour is not making things any better, I thought, "What the heck?"
I actually thought that she hated me too.. But once I get to know her, she's not really that bad and amazingly, she became nicer.. I wonder if this has anything to do with our change in attitude. It's actually not me alone who kinda dislikes her. Almost the whole class does. But anyways.. I'm gonna do my best in my finals.
I wanna make my parents proud. I wanna make my teachers proud. I aim to get 4.00 GPA. I wonder if it's possible. Hmm...
Oh well.. I'm gonna do the very best coz it's all up to me. The rest, I'll leave it to God. He knows that I've tried my best and I leave it in His hands :)

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